
Watch live online 30th July - 1st August

Not everyone can make World Dance Masters in person this year, so we are giving you the option to join us online!

We know how many of our regular attendees may need to miss the in-person event this year and we also know how many dancers who have never attended before may be keen to enjoy the fun - so we will bring WDM21 to you!

Not only will your participation keep you close to all the WDM action, but you will also be supporting World Dance Masters, our instructors, judges, and staff as we run a reduced capacity in-person event this year.

Things to look forward to with WDM LIVE!

Live instruction from our choregraphers

All our instructors will be teaching live from Blackpool or virtually just for our online audience! You'll get to chat to and learn from them in real time.

Learn the new competition dances

If you are a competitor, live stream access means you'll also get to the learn all the new 2021/2022 competition dances, which we'll be teaching as part of your streaming package.

Watch competition & social dancing across the weekend

You'll be able to tune in to social hours across ballrooms throughout the weekend and follow along with your favourite dances. If you are looking for the competition, it will all be streamed live as it happens.

Watch on-demand

When we aren't live on air, you'll be able to easily scroll back to previous workshops or competition sessions and watch them in your own time.



Take part in all virtual workshops

Learn from all instructors across 3 days

Live social dancing from ballrooms

Chat virtually with your fellow dancers

Watch all workshops on-demand


Biggest Support & Best Value!



Full access to comp and social streams

Save £15 over individual purchase

Pick and choose what to watch when

Access to all virtual online chats

Greatest support of WDM and staff




Watch all competition live as it happens

Learn 2021/2022 Competition Dances!

Chat with your fellow spectators

Livestream of Awards Ceremony

Watch anything you miss on-demand


Got Questions? 

Here's some answers to frequently asked questions

  • How will the live stream work?

    We'll be running 2 separate live streams throughout the event - one for Social & Workshops and the other for Competition.

    You can choose to purchase access to just one stream or both.

    The Competition stream will broadcast live for all competition sessions. You'll get an amazing broadcast from multiple HD cameras.

    The Social stream will be a mix between workshops and social dancing. Especially for this year, we are hosting a 'Virtual Workshop' room where our amazing instructors will come and teach just for you after they teach in the main ballrooms. 

    We'll also be going live throughout the weekend during social hours so you can dance along with us home!

  • How do I pay to watch?

    Click the links above based on which package you'd like to purchase, then come back during the event and watch!

    Each stream requires a login to watch. If you purchase access to both streams, once you have logged in, you'll be able to watch either stream by clicking between them.

    You'll be able to watch on 1 device from one IP address to watch the video but the chat feature is a separate login that you can open on an additional device. Your login is unique to you.

    Our website is fully secure and your payment details are processed by Stripe. No details are held by World Dance Masters.

  • What if I can't watch live? Can I watch on-demand?

    Yes! Each session will be saved as a video to watch 'on-demand'. 

    When we are not streaming live, you will be able to login and see a playlist of all individual workshops or sessions to watch in your own time. Each workshop or session will be named so you can quickly and easily find it.

    Content will be available to watch for up to one month after the event.

  • When will the new competition dances be taught?

    As part of the Competition Stream and All Access Streams, you'll get to learn all the new 2021/2022 competition dances! These will be streamed live and saved for you to watch at a later date.

    Our plan is to teach these dances over the course of the Worlds weekend. If scheduling doesn't allow, they will be taught at a later date prior to 31st August through the live stream.

    All of the new dances will be available to watch on-demand from the moment they are streamed live and for one month after.

  • Can I pay and watch on just 1 day?

    Due to the financial and logistical pressures of running the streams and event this year, we are only able to offer full weekend streaming access.

    We are really grateful for your support of World Dance Masters, even virtually. Each subscriber is helping us run this years' event and helping to ensure we can continue to run events in the future.

  • Do I need a Facebook account?

    No, unlike previous virtual events and workshops, this will be hosted directly on our website. 

    No Facebook account is necessary (although you can choose to sign-up via Facebook if you wish).

  • Do I need certain hardware or internet access?

    You will be required to have an internet connection in order to watch any of the live streams. We recommend a broadcast connection of at least 2MB/s.

    Check with your internet provider prior to signing up. We'll only be able to refund where technical issues are on our side and the live streams are down for more than 50% of the schedule.

    We also recommend Google Chrome web browser to watch the live streams.

  • Is there a schedule?

    Absolutely. We'll have a full schedule of events released around 2 weeks prior to the event.

    Each live stream page has a dynamic schedule on the page where you can see upcoming sessions. All past sessions will be available for you to watch for up to 1 month after the event.

  • Will I be able to watch every division and workshop?

    For the competition, every division will be streamed live as they happen.

    For workshops, there will be a full virtual schedule but due to how we schedule live workshops across two ballrooms, the schedules may not be exactly the same. The instructors will be picking their most important new releases to teach virtually and they will try to fit everything in for you!

    For both streams, once a live session ends, you'll be able to watch it back on-demand in your own time for up to 1-month after the event.

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Each subscriber to World Dance Masters Live is directly supporting this years event, ensuring we can run the event smoothly and safely for all and be able to financially support our future. Thank you!

Sam Robins & Nicola Lafferty

Directors of World Dance Masters

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